Committee Charges

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee reports to the Board on the appropriate auditing and accounting principles and procedures vis-à-vis the Corporation. It serves as the channel of communication between the independent auditor and the Board of Directors, and has the responsibility to review the audit, the Corporation’s annual financial statements, and the procedures employed by the Corporation in preparing statements and related management summaries. The Audit Committee also recommends the retention and termination of the Corporation’s independent auditor, and confers with the auditor to ensure the financial affairs of the Corporation are in order. The Committee consists of at least three (3) directors, all of whom have a substantial understanding of financial reporting and internal control principles.

Bookstore Advisory Committee

The Bookstore Advisory Committee meets as needed during the fiscal year and is charged with the following:

  • Establishing and maintaining two-way communication between Bookstore management and various segments of the university community.
  • Soliciting, reviewing and evaluating suggestions from the campus community on how the Bookstore can best serve the campus.
  • Developing recommendations of its own for improving bookstore operations and customer service.
  • Serving in an advisory capacity on matters on which the Bookstore seeks input.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee has the authority to act in all matters in which the Board of Directors has authority to act, except as provided in Section 1 of Article IV in UCorp’s ByLaws. It is comprised of the following members: the Corporation’s Chair, the Corporation’s Vice Chair, the Vice President for Administration & Finance or his/her designee, the Corporation’s Secretary, and the Corporation’s Executive Director.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is responsible for monitoring the performance of the Corporation’s investments, reviewing investment policies, recommending changes to such policies as may be necessary and appropriate, and reporting the status of these matters to the Board. The committee also reviews the Corporation’s proposed budgets, financial statements, liability insurance coverage, and proposed contracts with SFSU for support services. There must be at least three directors, all of whom have substantial understanding of financial reporting, internal control principles, and insurance.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee has the power to nominate candidates for membership on the Corporation’s Board of Directors and officers of the Corporation. This committee consists of three directors appointed by the Corporation’s Chair.

Retail and Commercial Services Committee

The Retail & Commercial Services Committee was established to provide guidance to UCorp personnel in their oversight of retail and commercial services at SF State and to ensure that the dining and retail experiences on campus are enjoyable, meet community members’ needs and exceed their expectations. The committee’s work is informed by a desire to provide the best possible offerings and services, along with a robust revenue stream. The committee is responsible for the following:

  • Determining market trends, assessing campus needs and preferences, and collecting other information it deems pertinent to the provision of dining services at SF State. This will include conducting an annual survey of vendors distributed to a representative sample of the student body and other members of the campus community, in order to review the performance of existing services and elicit suggestions for service improvement and modification.
  • Ensuring the inclusion of community voices and perspectives in the provision of retail and commercial services and offerings. This will include working closely with Associated Students through its Vendor Services Advisory Assembly, as well as its board of directors. Serving as a liaison between the university community and UCorp, thereby providing a point of contact for community members wishing to share ideas and/ or concerns.
  • Serving as a consultative body in considering issues related to vendor services and vendor requests.
  • Identifying new vendors for open spaces after ascertaining the type of vendor for which there is significant community demand and playing a role in the request for proposal process.