
Background Check & Fingerprinting Policy

Along with the California State University (CSU) and San Francisco State University (SF State), the University Corporation, San Francisco State (UCorp) is committed to protecting the health, well-being and safety of its employees, students, volunteers, guests and those UCorp clients being served. 

Therefore, the UCorp follows the CSU Background Check Policy (revised August 3, 2015), wherein all new-hires, current employees, contractors, third-party vendors, & volunteers, (hereinafter referenced as UCorp constituents), in specific instances, are required to undergo background checks and fingerprinting. Determination for this to occur is made when a check may be required by law and/or the tasks involved include accessibility to sensitive information and/or working & interacting with minors.

The following criteria, relative to duties & responsibilities, as well as functions or tasks to be performed, have been established and will necessitate a background check & fingerprinting:

  • providing service for and/or interacting directly with children and minors
  • having access to sensitive/personal information 
  • handling receipts, cash, & cash equivalents
  • responsibilities that require a license, certification, or other credential

Relative to those working with children & minors, there will also be a review of the registry for sexual offenders. It is critical that a detailed description of the duties and functions to be performed of those UCorp constituents be provided so a proper determination may be made as to whether a background check & fingerprinting is required. 

All background checks & fingerprinting must successfully be completed prior to any work being performed or interaction taking place within the UCorp/University environment.

Furthermore, it should be noted that those identified as a ‘person-of-interest’ (POI), are allowed individual access to University services, even though they are not an SF State employee. UCorp also conforms to University guidelines relative to their requirement for those POI’s, when required, to also be subject to background checks & fingerprinting.

Coordination of background checks & fingerprinting is handled by UCorp HR, ucorphr@sfsu.edu.

Background Check & Fingerprinting Policy PDF

Bonus Award Policy

This policy shall replace and supersede all previous bonus/incentive policies and procedures of the University Corporation, San Francisco State (UCorp).

Upon the recommendation/request of a UCorp project director, the Executive Director may approve a bonus award to UCorp employees who distinguish themselves through their contributions to UCorp and/or their UCorp program/project. Through their efforts and leadership, these UCorp employees will have demonstrated the ability to promote the UCorp's and/or their program/project’s mission. Bonus awards are also granted in recognition for achieving a specific goal or tangible result. The Executive Director may also recommend a bonus award.

A bonus award may be given after the completion of one year of service and completion of the UCorp employee’s annual performance review(s). The bonus award may be given in place of, or in addition to, any other increase in base salary that may be granted as a result of merit, promotion, or reorganization, but does not increase the base salary of the employee. A bonus award may not be paid more than once in a 12-month period.

The bonus award will be funded from the specific UCorp program/project making the recommendation.

The bonus award is a single, non-recurring payment and the amount is subject to approval of UCorp’s Executive Director. It is recommended the amount does not exceed $8,000 or 10% of recipient’s annual salary, whichever is greater.

A request should be initiated by the UCorp project director and/or Executive Director, submitted in writing, with specific details justifying the Bonus Award, including but not limited to, the outstanding project, assignment, skill or implemented process, along with the time-period of involvement. A narrative further outlining the accomplishments, unique contributions and/or advancements, is also requested to substantiate the recommendation.

The UCorp project director should not advise their UCorp employee that they have been recommended for a bonus award, unless it has been reviewed and approved by the UCorp Executive Director, and notification has been received from UCorp’s Personnel office.

Revised policy approved February 2018

Compensation Policy

Salary/wages is compensation paid regularly to employees of the University Corporation, San Francisco State (UCorp) for services and work performed. The employee works under the control and direction of the employer (UCorp) or its designee, the Project Director/Principal Investigator.

San Francisco State University (SF State) instructional personnel who are working on projects/programs administered by the UCorp, and are paid directly by the UCorp, shall receive a salary computed at the rate which is identical to that which they regularly receive from SF State.

All non-instructional positions will be classified within classification standards comparable to those established by the California State University (CSU), and will be commensurate with the allowable salary levels as approved by the funder for those applicable sponsored programs (ie. grants & contracts).

If there is no CSU classification which, in the judgment of UCorp management, adequately describes the duties of a particular position, an appropriate salary level will be determined by comparison with other positions having a comparable level of duties and other working conditions. Officers and directors of the UCorp are non-compensated.

Whistleblower Policy

The University Corporation, San Francisco State (UCorp) is compelled to comply with the University Executive Directive 02-25 established to fulfill the requirements of University Executive Order No. 929, and the California Whistleblower Protection Act. EO 929 prescribes guidelines for responding to disclosures filed with the Office of the Chancellor by employees or applicants for employment who allege an improper governmental activity of conditions that may significantly threaten the health or safety of employees or the public and established a procedure for employees and applicants for employment at San Francisco State University (University) to make protected disclosures.

The UCorp seeks to adopt and further expand said policy to ensure its employees and applicants are also covered. UCorp employees or applicants for employment may make a protected disclosure to their supervisor or manager, to the management of the UCorp, to the University’s Director of Human Resources or to the CSU Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. UCorp employees or applicants of employment may allege an improper governmental and/or auxiliary activity or conditions that may significantly threaten the health or safety of both University and/or UCorp employees and the public.


As used herein, “employee” refers to any person employed by the UCorp.

As used herein, “applicant for employment” refers to an individual who has completed and submitted an application form for a specific, available position at the UCorp.

Complainant – the term “complainant” means an employee or applicant for employment who files a report and makes a protected disclosure under this policy.

Improper governmental and/or auxiliary activity – the term “improper governmental and/or auxiliary activity” means any activity by a University and or UCorp department/program or employee that is undertaken in the performance of the employee’s official duties, whether or not that action is within the scope of his/her employment, and that, [I] is in violation of any state or federal law or regulation, including, but not limited to, corruption, malfeasance, bribery, theft of government property, fraudulent claims, fraud, coercion, conversion, malicious prosecution, misuse of government property, or willful omission to perform duty, or [II] Is economically wasteful, or involves gross misconduct, incompetence or inefficiency.

Protected Disclosure - the term “protected disclosure” means any good faith communication that discloses information that may evidence [1] an improper government activity, or [2] any 2 condition that may significantly threaten the health or safety of employees or the public if the disclosure or intention to disclose was made for the purpose or remedying that condition.

General Provisions

Complaints, responses and investigations shall be shared only with individuals who have a legitimate business reason to know, including, but not limited to University officials.

Protected Disclosures

Any employee or applicant of employment may make a protected disclosure to UCorp management or the University’s Director of Human Resources no later than thirty (30) days after the event giving rise to the protected disclosure or no later than thirty (30) days after the employee or applicant for employment knew or reasonably should have known of the event.

The protected disclosure shall be in writing and contain the following information:

  1. Name & mailing address of the complainant, the complainant’s working title or position applied for
  2. A detailed description of the specific actions that constituted the alleged improper governmental and/or auxiliary activity or condition that may significantly threaten the health or safety of employees or the public, including the name(s) and title(s) of University and/or auxiliary employee(s) or official(s) allegedly engaged in the improper governmental and/or auxiliary activity or responsible for the health or safety condition.
  3. The date(s) the alleged improper activities occurred or the condition developed
  4. Other potential witnesses to the alleged improper activities or condition
  5. Any documentation that supports the allegations of improper activities or of a threatening condition
  6. Descriptions of documents that support the allegations of improper activities or of a threatening condition, if the actual documents are not in the possession of the complainant
  7. The protected disclosure must be signed, dated and contain a sworn statement under penalty of perjury that its contents are believed to be true.

Response to Protected Disclosures Made to UCorp Management or the University's Director of Human Resources

  1. Receipt of the written protected disclosure shall be acknowledged in writing within ten (10) days of receipt.
  2. Upon receipt of a protected disclosure, UCorp management and/or the University’s Director of Human Resources may commission an investigation of the matter.
  3. Care shall be taken to keep confidential the identity of the complainant in so far as feasible and consistent with the law.
  4. If UCorp management or the University’s Director of Human Resources determines that there is reasonable cause to believe that improper governmental and/or auxiliary activity has occurred or that a condition that may significantly threaten the health or safety of employees or the public exists, a report will be filed with a recommendation for appropriate action to the appropriate University officials.
  5. UCorp management, in concert with University officials, will determine what action, if any, is necessary. Within ninety (90) days of receipt of the protected disclosure, UCorp management shall issue a formal response to the complainant that includes whether the allegations were substantiated and what, if any, actions were taken. Care shall be taken to protect the privacy interests of those involved.
  6. UCorp management will ensure notification of the appropriate University officials, CSU officials and other applicable State officials, of all cases of actual or suspected fraud, theft or other irregularities it learns as a result of any protected disclosures made under this policy.

The CSU Vice Chancellor of Human Resources shall be notified of all cases of actual or suspected fraud theft or other irregularity.

General Reporter (PDF) | Limited Reporter (PDF)

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse & Neglect

Mandated Reporters are UCorp employees or volunteers required to report suspected child abuse and neglect under CANRA and CSU policy, (pursuant to Executive Order 1083). 

CSU Policy further categorizes Mandated Reporters: 

General Reporters, who are legally required to report child abuse or neglect no matter where it occurs, include:

  • Teaching Associates 
  • Child care/community care/day care workers 
  • Campus police officers and staff 
  • Various physicians, nurses, counselors… 
  • Youth summer camp employees (events on campus or operated by the CSU/auxiliary) 
  • Summer Bridge coordinators and residential staff 
  • Student Life/Residence Hall staff, and outreach staff who participate in overnight programs 
  • New and Prospective Student Orientation staff 
  • CSU/auxiliary employees who provide services for children 
  • Employees in ESL programs and ELP Instructors 
  • Athletic head coaches, assistant coaches, coaches’ assistants, advisors, trainers, and strength/conditioning staff

& requires their signature on: 



Limited Reporters, who are legally required to report child abuse or neglect only if it occurs on CSU premises or at an official activity of, or program conducted by, the CSU, include:

  • Faculty assigned to teach lower-division undergraduate courses 
  • Custodial, maintenance, facilities and trades employees who service buildings where children are likely to be present 
  • All other employees who have regular contact with children or who supervise such employees 
  • All Management Personnel Plan employees 
  • All volunteers

& requires their signature on: 



Out of State Employees

The University Corporation makes every effort to accommodate the needs of our campus partners when hiring employees of the Corporation to support your efforts. These employment services include hiring U Corp employees on a full- or part-time basis, as well as for special consultancies on a limited-time basis. We have over 200 employees filling a range of roles in support of our activities. 

On occasion, U Corp has hired employees who work outside the State of California. This has been a limited practice, as employing personnel from out-of-state requires a host of onerous steps to ensure that we diligently comply with any particular state’s specific employment requirements. This includes filing with the appropriate state agencies, addressing worker’s compensation requirements, and complying with state-specific regulations. Often these regulations differ from those of the State of California. The complexities of having out-of-state employees from dozens of states throughout the US has become too burdensome for our small team.

Thus, effective January 1, 2024, we will cease hiring new employees from out of state, except in limited circumstances and with prior approval. Please work closely with UCorp HR to assess any requests for exceptions well in advance of any work or engagement. Please note that this modification to our practices does not impact any UCorp employees currently working out of state; we will continue to honor their employment status.

In some instances, compensation outside of an employment relationship may be considered. For instance, it is common to provide a guest speaker with an honorarium.  Please consult with Ricardo Angeles, our associate director for administration and programs, prior to any expectation of compensating someone in this manner so that he can evaluate it.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns, ucorphr@sfsu.edu.