The University Corporation’s travel policies conform with the policies set by the Chancellor’s Office in April 2013, and closely mirror the campus-specific policies for San Francisco State University. It is expected that travel will serve a legitimate business purpose and be reasonable in cost.
Prior Authorization
A Travel Authorization form must be completed and signed prior to making airline reservations, booking car rentals, or reserving hotels. UCorp will accept SF State's or UCorp’s Travel Authorization form. Domestic travel requires approval from the Dean or Associate Vice President. International travel requires approval from the President or Provost.
Travel insurance is required for all international travel. Insurance must be obtained through SF State’s Enterprise Risk Management & Business Continuity Office, even when the travel is funded by UCorp.
Per Diem
The per diem rate for domestic travel is currently $58 per/day for meals and $10 per/day for incidentals. In some cases, a grant agreement or gift agreement could supersede the standard rate. The first and last day of travel is eligible for 75% of the full per diem. In the case UCorp per diem rates are different from the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) per diem standards, the higher minimum standard rate may be used.
If there is no overnight stay, per diem reimbursements require at least 10 hours of travel and will be calculated at 75% of the actual amount.
For international travel, you may find the appropriate per diem rate via the U.S. Department of State Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location. A printout from the State Department website indicating the proper rate is required for reimbursement.
Travelers may secure lodging when traveling on business more than 25 miles one way, from their normal work location or home whichever is closer.
The maximum rate for domestic accommodations is $333 per/night. Receipts for accommodations must be included with the travel claim.
For international travel, you may find the appropriate accommodation rate via the U.S. Department of State Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location. A printout from the State Department website indicating the proper rate is required for reimbursement.
Transportation Costs
The mode of transportation used should be the most economical that is available. If a more costly form of transportation is selected, the traveler may be reimbursed up to the most economical amount. See below for current mileage and parking rates.
Required Documentation
As with all other payment requests, the travel claim must be backed up with original or certified receipts. Exceptions to this rule include 1) domestic and international per diem allowances and incidental allowances, 2) international allowances for accommodations, and 3) other individually listed expenses less than $75.
The approved Travel Authorization form must also accompany all travel claims.
California State University policy states that travel claims must be submitted for payment within 30 days from the return of the trip.
Requesting an Advance
Employees traveling on SF State or UCorp business may request a travel advance to cover the estimated cost of the trip. The completed Travel Advance Request must be signed by the Dean or Associate Vice President, and backed up with the signed Travel Authorization. Only one travel advance can be outstanding at a given time.
Please note: UCorp’s Travel Authorization form does not include a request for a Travel Advance (like SF State’s form does). A separate form is required for UCorp.
Mileage and Parking
Employees may use a private vehicle for UCorp travel if a car is the most economical mode of transportation available, and the vehicle’s owner carries proper liability insurance.
Motorcycles, except those of University police department employees on motorcycle assignment, shall not be authorized for use on official UCorp business, nor shall any reimbursement be made for the use of such vehicles.
Mileage is generally computed between the traveler’s work location and the business destination.
Mileage Rate
The University Corporation uses the standard mileage rate determined by the IRS. The previous 2024 calendar year rate is $.67 /per mile.
Mileage reimbursement for calendar year 2025 should calculated using $.70 / per mile.
Required Backup
Complete the "Location and Purpose of This Trip" section of the Travel Claim Expense Report form, and provide documentation to support the distance travelled. Mapquest, Google Maps, or another similar program can provide such documentation. Please use the correct form for the corresponding year.
Travel Claim Expense Report 2025 (PDF)
Travel Claim Expense Report 2024 (PDF)
Please contact Ricardo Angeles at x87141 for information regarding defensive driving requirements.
Travel for Guest Speakers
Speakers are frequently invited to present at SF State, sometimes as volunteers and other times for a fee or honorarium.
When speakers are paid for their services, they are not to be reimbursed for their travel or expenses. Travel-related costs can be accounted for in the following ways:
- Direct payments may be made to hotels or airlines.
- Include estimated travel costs as part of the honorarium. No receipts are required.
If the speaker is a volunteer, then travel costs can be paid directly to the speaker. A Hospitality form should be used, and no travel authorization is required.
Cancellations and Postponements
If a trip must be canceled or changed, the traveler must make every effort to cancel/change any travel reservations. Fees incurred as a result of cancelling/changing a trip will be covered if the cancelation/change was work related or due to unforeseen circumstances out of the control of the traveler. A business justification must be submitted and approved by the approving authority.
Travelers who are unable to honor a reservation shall be responsible for canceling the reservation in compliance with the cancellation terms established by the vendor. Charges or lost refunds resulting from failure to cancel reservations, registrations, etc. shall not be paid unless the traveler can show that such failure was the result of circumstances beyond the traveler's control.
If the reservation was paid by the University, then the traveler must promptly return any refunds received to the University. A travel advance must be returned immediately if a trip is cancelled or indefinitely postponed.
Funds paid on behalf of or reimbursed to the traveler for expenses incurred prior to the actual dates of travel should be returned to the department. Refunds should be requested for registration fees paid directly to a vendor unless applied to another participant from the department. A non‐ refundable ticket associated with a cancelled trip must be used for the employee's next trip.
This page was last updated on February 10, 2025.