Faculty Representative; Chair of the Academic Senate
Michael A. “Mike” Goldman, Ph.D., is currently Professor of Biology and Chair of the Academic Senate at SF State. He did his undergraduate work in Biology at the University of Rochester, and obtained a Ph.D. in evolutionary biology at Purdue University in 1981. Turning to human genetics, he completed two fellowships in Medical Genetics, one at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, the other at the University of Washington in Seattle. He joined the faculty at San Francisco State University in 1988, serving as Chair of the Department of Biology from 2005-2017. He taught general genetics and evolution for biology majors, developmental biology for Cell & Molecular Biology majors, and an interdisciplinary course on the ethical issues in science and technology. His research is in chromatin structure and the regulation of gene expression during mammalian development. Of special interest is the relationship between chromosome structural elements called nuclear matrix attachment regions (MARs) as boundaries of functional chromatin domains, studied through molecular methods and bioinformatics. Believing that biotechnology holds an important key to improving the human condition and the integrity of our biosphere, he works to bring biotechnology understanding and enthusiasm to students, serving as chair of the faculty advisory board for the California State University Program in Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB) from 2010-2018. Dr. Goldman sees the public understanding of science as a key need if science and society are to thrive. He speaks to professional and general groups whenever possible, talking about various issues like stem cell biology for TV and radio call-in audiences. He has written Op-Ed pieces or letters for the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Sacramento Bee, the San Francisco Chronicle and the New York Times, as well as a variety of technical articles, including those appearing in Science and Nature Genetics. He has been Associate Editor for Chromosome Research, a contributing editor to Bio-IT World, and is currently an advisory board member and writer for BioQuick News. He thinks the public learns much about science and bioethics from fiction, and reviews novels addressing various aspects of genetic science and its implications, in venues like Nature, Science, Nature Genetics and the San Francisco Chronicle.