Reimbursed Release Time (RRT)
When UCorp funds are used to reimburse SF State for Reimbursed Release Time (RRT), the course release must be approved by both the Dean of the College and UCorp’s Executive Director.
A “Reimbursed Release Time Pre-Approval” form must be signed by the Dean and submitted to UCorp prior to the start of the semester release. UCorp will work the Dean of the College to ensure the propriety of the transaction, specifically certifying compliance with the donor’s intent, the availability of funds, and the absence of conflicts of interest. We will also work with the college to ensure that the university is properly reimbursed for related expenses—including salary and benefits.
Please keep in mind that additional paperwork authorizing the exact amount of the expenditure will be required once the semester is in progress. That paperwork will be completed by UCorp and routed for signature.